Hanging Basket Care
Location is very important for hanging basket placement. Before purchasing notice how much light is available in the location you are looking to put your hanging basket. Most plants have a preference between full sun (over 6 hours of direct sunlight), part sun (four to six hours of direct sunlight) and shade (less than four hours of direct sunlight).
How much you water your hanging baskets will depend on the size of the hanging baskets and the weather. Small hanging baskets have less soil and will need to be watered more frequently than larger hanging baskets. During especially hot weather hanging baskets should be checked once or twice daily. During cooler weather you may only have to water once to twice a week.
There are two main types of fertilizers we recommend for hanging baskets, slow release and water soluble. Slow release fertilizer is typically applied when you make your hanging basket or when you first purchase your hanging basket. Slow release fertilizer will slowly dissolve as you water your baskets. Water soluble fertilizer is dissolved in water and then watered onto your baskets. For best results use both types!
Maintenance and Deadheading
Branches, leaves and dead flowers can be pinched to shape your hanging baskets and keep them neat and tidy. Some varieties require the dead flowers to be removed (deadheading) in order to continue to bloom while others will bloom regardless of deadheading.
Common Hanging Basket Plants

Petunias are a sun loving annual that come in many different colours and are available in both spreading and mounding varieties. At midsummer they can be pruned back to half their length to prevent them from being leggy and promote more flowers. Petunias also require deadheading to continually bloom.

Begonias prefer partial shade, there are many varieties including both houseplant and annuals. The Reiger Begonia which are pictured above are used most commonly in hanging baskets. Reiger Begonias are susceptible to root rot, so be careful to not over water them.

Fuschia are a shade to part shade plant. Fuschias have a semi-trailing habit for growth which makes them excellent for hanging baskets. They are sensitive to watering and prefer soil that doesn’t dry out but also don’t want to sit in water.

Bacopa prefer part to full sun and are a semi trailing plant. They bloom all summer and are self deadheading, which makes them an excellent addition to a low maintenance hanging basket.

Geraniums are a part to full sun plant. There are four types of geraniums zonal, ivy leafed, scented (citronella) and regal. Zonal is the most common in hanging baskets although we carry all four varieties if you are making your own basket. They do require the spent blooms to be deadheaded.

Million Bells (Calibrachoa)
Million Bells are a full sun plant that grows in trailing form. They are sometimes called trailing petunias as they resemble a small petunia flower and also come in many colours. They require very little maintenance and are self deadheading.

Verbena are a full sun plant that is drought tolerant once established. Verbenas come in upright and trailing forms, and attract beneficial pollinators such as bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Lobelia prefer full sun but are also a shade tolerant plant. Deadheading is not necessary. With especially hot weather lobelia will require frequent watering.