CO Early Summer Crookneck Squash

CO Early Summer Crookneck Squash


$3.19 + GST

This high yielding heirloom is easy to grow and delicious! Harvest often and enjoy steamed, sautéed, roasted or with dips. Ready in just 50-53 days.

Plant In Late spring Sunlight Full sun
Plant seeds Depth: 1 inch

Space: 4 ft.

Germinate 8-10 days
Bloom time Mid-late summer Plant height 2 ft.


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Latin Name: Cornucopia Squash


Squash is a warm-season crop. Sow directly in the garden in late spring or early summer when night temperatures stay above 10C. Work well aged compost and a fertilizer into the soil at label rate. Plant groups of 2-3 seeds every 2 feet. Thin to 1 strong seedling per group. for best flavor pick when squash are 4-6 inches long. Harvest often to keep plants producing through the season.