RE Kitchen Herbs Heirloom Spearmint

RE Kitchen Herbs Heirloom Spearmint

Mentha spicata

$4.79 + GST

Sweetest of all the mints, true spearmint produces scented bright green, serrated leaves all season. Freshly harvested spearmint has a delicious aromatic perfume that accents, but doesn’t overpower, many kinds of salads and cooked dishes. Enjoy the leaves whole, chopped, dried, frozen, preserved in salt, sugar, alcohol, or sweet oil. Fresh spearmint tea is a delight and making your own Mint Juleps is a gardener’s treat! Grow only in containers, because mint spreads very quickly in the ground.
Plant In March – June Sunlight Full Sun
Plant seeds Do not cover, space very thinly Germinate 10 – 14 days
Mature Height 1′ mounding Seed count Approx. 1200


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Latin Name: Renee's Kitchen Herbs


In early spring, 4 to 6 weeks before last frost, start seeds in a container of moistened soil mix. Sow thinly, but do not cover. Provide a good light source until ready to transplant when seedlings are large enough to handle.


Mint is long-lived and gets overcrowded easily. Divide plants into 4 quarters every spring, replanting 1 quarter of the original clump into a pot of fresh soil mix. Replant extra clumps in new pots or give away. See “How To Divide Spearmint Plants” video on our website.


Harvest frequently to encourage new growth. Snip sprigs of leaves in the morning when the aromatic oils are strongest. Use in drinks and sprinkle chopped mint over green and fresh fruit salads. Air dry by hanging branches in a warm, well-ventilated area, then package airtight.