Mr. F Crystal Palace Lobelia

Mr. F Crystal Palace Lobelia


$2.79 + GST

The favorite of all lobelia makes a great edging plant. Perfect for container and hanging basket gardens.
Plant In April-May Sunlight Full sun to partial shade
Plant seeds Depth: Barley cover

Space: 1/2 inch

Germinate 14 days
Bloom time June-October Seed Count 2500


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Latin Name: Mr. Fothergill's Lobelia


Sow seeds indoors 6-9 weeks before final spring frost. Sow on top of seed mix and gently press seed into the surface. Keep soil damp and warm. Seed will germinate in about 14 days. Thin to 1 inch after 4 leaves or so have developed, then thin to the strongest plants. Harden off for 10-14 days before transplanting. Transplant after final spring frost to warm, well drained soil.