Mr. F Sunflower Hallo

Mr. F Sunflower Hallo


$2.99 + GST

Easy to grow, bushy and multi-flowered variety. Attracts wildlife with pollen, nectar and seeds
Plant In April-May Sunlight Full sun
Plant seeds Depth: 1/2 inch

Space: 4 inches

Germination 7-21 Days
Bloom time July-October Seed count 30


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Latin Name: Mr. Fothergill's Sunflowers


Sow 1 week after final spring frost, 1/2 inch deep, 4 inches apart, in well cultivated soil. Keep soil moist. Germination takes 7-21. Thin to final plant spacing when seedlings are well established. Can be started indoors up to 2 weeks before final frost. If started indoors, sow 2 seeds per pot and thin to strongest plant. Harden off before transplanting to garden.