Purple Waffle
Hemigraphis alternate
Purple Waffles are a good option for a hanging pot or draping over a shelf. They prefer bright indirect sunlight to keep their colours vibrant. If you notice the leaf colour starting to look “washed-out”, it may be receiving too much light. Purple Waffles prefer a well-draining soil and are known for dramatically wilting when they need water. Fertilizing once per month with a thin layer of compost or diluted low-potency chemical fertilizer is advised during spring and summer. Regular misting is recommended to prevent pest infestation and keep the edges of the leaves from browning. When happy, Purple Waffles grow small white flowers which are typically short lived.
FLOWERING | Yes | TOXIC | Mildly Toxic |
LIGHTING | Bright indirect light | SIZE | Medium to Large |
SOIL | Moist well draining soil | FERTILIZING | Spring/Summer |
SOIL | Moist well draining soil |
*Rocks – can be added to the bottom of the pots to allow for extra drainage
*Sand – can be added to the soil mixture to allow for extra drainage
*Perlite – can be added to the soil mixture to incorporate more air into the soil
*Compost – a thin layer can be added on top of the soil for added nutrients and to retain moisture