REN Explorer Sweet Pea

REN Explorer Sweet Pea

Lathyrus odoratus

$4.19 + GST

With early blooming flowers and the most beautiful color range, our Explorer is the best short, non-climbing sweet pea, perfect for beds and borders. The bushy 2 1/2 foot plants soon bear beguiling, dainty winged blossoms with exquisite honeyed fragrance in entrancing rich hues of deep rose, lavender, salmon, mid-blue, rose crimson, pink, scarlet and white. Flower stems are long enough to cut for long lasting perfumed bouquets.

Plant In Sept-March Sunlight Full sun
Plant seeds Depth: 1 inch

Space: 2-3 inches apart

Germinate 12-28 days
Seed count 35-40


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Latin Name: Renee's Bush Sweet Peas


Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, these short vines will thrive and bloom longer in a spot with some afternoon shade.


Sweet peas must have well drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked.

In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. Erect short supports at planting time. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin to 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.