REN Savour English Parsnips

REN Savour English Parsnips

Pastinaca sativa

$4.79 + GST

Bred in Europe for high quality roots and flavor, our parsnips are fast growing and mature to an impressive 10 to 12 inches long. They have deliciously sweet, earthy flavor and silky smooth, blemish free white skins. These big, plump roots produce reliably in a wide variety of climates and keep securely in the ground for extended harvesting without turning woody. They are delicious in soups, simply sautéed or oven roasted to nutty sweetness.

Plant In April-June Sunlight Full sun or partial shade
Plant seeds Depth: 1/2 inch

Space:1 inch apart

Germinate 14-21 days
Days to Harvest Approx. 105-115 Seed Count 300


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Latin Name: Renee's English Parsnips


Protect seedlings from marauding birds with plastic berry baskets, removing before plants get crowded. Thin plants properly; you’ll get more zucchinis from a few well-spaced, healthy vines than from crowded plants that are much more disease prone.


Harvest at about 5 inches in length; frequent harvesting keeps plants producing. Enjoy these zucchinis grilled, baked sautéed or steamed. Try slicing lengthwise, drizzling with olive oil and roasting to succulent perfection. Or slice 1/2 inch thick, top with pizza sauce and cheese and bake.