Mr. F McKana Giant Hybrids Columbine

Mr. F McKana Giant Hybrids Columbine


$2.79 + GST

Long spurred flowers in a beautiful array of colours. For borders, cut flowers and cottage gardens.
Plant In April-June Sunlight Full sun
Plant seeds Depth: 1/4 inch

Space: 1/2 inches

Germinate 28 days
Bloom time May-June Seed Count 150


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Latin Name: Mr. Fothergill's Columbine


Can be sown direct to warm soil, or for earlier flowering sow indoors 8-12 weeks before last frost. 1/4 inch deep, 1/2 inch apart in trays or pots of seed starter mix. Keep warm until germination, which takes up to 28 days. Will do well in average soils and tolerates dry soil conditions. Thin to 2 inches and then grow on in cooler conditions until ready to transplant. Harden off and transplant after last spring frost.