REN Bronze Torch Grape Tomatoes

REN Bronze Torch Grape Tomatoes

Solanum lycopersicum

$5.59 + GST

Bronze Torch’s tall vines bear multiple cascading clusters of elongated, pointed 2-3 inch rich crimson fruits overlaid with bronzey-gold stripes. Best of all, they are just delicious, with a sweet and well-balanced full tomato flavor. Bronze Torch fruits keep especially well after picking, and the vines produce abundantly over a long harvest season. Bronze Torch tomatoes are terrific for snacks, in salads and really luscious cut in half and roasted long and slow with olive oil and garlic.

Plant in Feb-March Light conditions Full sun
Sow seeds Depth: 1/4 inch

Space: 1 inch apart

Days to germinate 7-14
Days to harvest 70-75 Seed count Approx. 20


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Latin Name: Renee's Grape Tomatoes


Prepare soil well with aged manure or compost. Plant several inches deeper than seedlings were growing in containers. Provide firmly anchored strong stakes or tall wire cages at planting time. Mulch to provide even moisture retention; do not overwater once fruit begins to ripen.



Plants will grow tall and heavy with fruit clusters, so provide sturdy supports. For best flavor, pick only when fully ripened to rich red with gold-bronze streaks. Don’t refrigerate; these pretty fruits keep well in a countertop basket. Enjoy fresh, or try a quick sauté with garlic in good olive oil just until they burst, then sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Additional information

Dimensions 3.25 × 0.1 × 4.5 in


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