Benefits of Container Seed Varieties
Container seed varieties are useful for space saving in large gardens, square foot gardening or planting in containers. Because the plants are smaller they allow more diversity to be planted in smaller location which is great for improving pollinator activity and for growing a wide variety of produce in limited space. As with traditional varieties, plants will need an environment that provides the right amount of light, water, and nutrients, as well as adequate space for healthy root development.
Container Seed Varieties

Astra Zucchini
Cucurbita pepo
Early bearing and productive, Astia bears abundant zucchini near the base of the plant where they are easy to harvest. READ MORE

Green Curls Container Kale
Brassica oleracea
This outstanding new kale is bred for great nutty flavor, tender texture and compact size. Green Curls tops out at about 15 inches tall, so it shines in pots and containers, a true “ornamental edible” for any size garden. READ MORE

Sweetie Baby Romaine
Sweetie Baby is a brand new baby romaine bred to be compact, juicy and delicious. The pretty green leaves grow in perfect 6 to 8 inch tall vase-shaped heads that are heavy for their size with a wonderful sweet flavor and crisp, crunchy texture. READ MORE

Pastel Duo Baby Turnips
Brassica rapa
Imported from Japan, these pretty globe-shaped baby turnips are a special gardener’s treat. We’ve combined seeds for pearly white and party pink little turnips, both with crispy white flesh and delicious mild, sweet flavor. READ MORE

Mini Purple Daikon Radish
These lovely, plump, mini daikons have deep violet colored exteriors and crunchy flesh flushed with a center sunburst of violet. Their flavor is unique with a mild, subtly sweet but peppery flavor that becomes milder when cooked. READ MORE

Snack Hero Snap Peas
Pisum sativum
Short, graceful Snack Hero snap peas are perfect for growing in hanging baskets, window boxes and pots. They grow effortlessly with 18 inch, draping short vines that quickly fill up with dangling, easy to harvest, crunchy-sweet full pods. READ MORE

True Greek Oregano
Origanum vulgare
Only this true Greek Oregano has it — that robust, intense, zesty flavor we all crave for pizza, great tomato sauce and really authentic and delicious Italian, Greek and Spanish cooking. READ MORE

Heirloom Spearmint
Mentha spicata
Sweetest of all the mints, true spearmint produces scented bright green, serrated leaves all season. Freshly harvested spearmint has a delicious aromatic perfume that accents, but doesn’t overpower, many kinds of salads and cooked dishes. READ MORE

Heirloom Leafy Diana Dill
Anethum graveolens
Heirloom dill’s feathery blue-green leaves have a fine aromatic scent that is delicious in green salads, eggs & with potatoes or rice. Blossoms bring butterflies to the garden. READ MORE

Sweet Curly Parsley
Petroselinum crispum
This sweet and nutty-tasting curly parsley from our best French supplier has none of the harsh texture or metallic flavor that often characterize ordinary commercial varieties. It germinates readily and grows vigorously to form graceful plumes of beautifully green, double curled leaves. READ MORE

Garlic Chives
Allium schenoprasum
Garlic chives, also called Chinese chives, have slim flat grass-like leaves that taste like a perfect combination of sweet garlic and chives. Just snip them over salads, fresh vegetables, or any savory dish to add a subtle and delicious garlic accent without any of the fuss. READ MORE

Heirloom Culinary Sage
Salvia officinalis
Handsome heirloom plants with pretty, soft, blue-green leaves and flowers that butterflies love to visit. Traditional herb for holiday cooking and great with winter squash and pork dishes. READ MORE

Watercolor Silks Dahlias
Achillea millefolium
Bred in Holland, these lovely decorative dahlias offer 1 1/2 to 2 foot plants with fully double, silky flowers in luminous watercolor shades of rosy coral, rich apricot, soft salmon, buttercream and glowing lilac. READ MORE

Fairyland Violas
Viola x wittrockiana
An enchanting blend of merry little flower faces in a jewel box of colors. These charming flowers with their jaunty green leaves are remarkably sturdy and weather tolerant and will happily bloom all season long. READ MORE

Explorer Sweet Peas
Lathyrus odoratus
With early blooming flowers and the most beautiful color range, our Explorer is the best short, non-climbing sweet pea, perfect for beds and borders. READ MORE

Magic Carpet Snap Dragons
Antirrhinum majus
Brilliantly colored flowers that bloom from summer through frost make this dwarf variety a favorite for borders and containers. The full size blossoms cover compact stems that don’t require staking. Ht. 6-8 in. READ MORE

Aloha Mix Nasturtiums
Tropaeolum majus
Aloha Mix is blend of soft tropical shades including apricot, cream, soft yellow and rose. These pretty blossoms atop lily pad-shaped leaves make a lovely garden tapestry. READ MORE

Fancy Pants Pelargonium
Pelargonium peltatum
Depending where you live, these charming plants are known as Pelargoniums, Ivy Leaf Geraniums or Trailing Geraniums. Whichever name you use, these lovely 12-18 inch cascading plants have softly draping, ivy-shaped green leaves and abundant, dainty, five-petaled flower clusters that bloom in soft cherry, sweet lavender and creamy white. READ MORE