The Native Garden
Native Gardens, also known as Naturalized gardens, are gardens that use plants native to our local area. There are many benefits to having a Native Garden
Benefits to Native Gardens
SAVE WATER: Once established, native plants tend to need little to no additional irrigation beyond the normal amount of rainfall for that area.
FEWER PESTICIDES: Native plants have adapted to our local environment, meaning they’ve already evolved natural defenses against the pests and diseases common to our area. Reducing or eliminating pesticide use protects our beneficial insects, lets natural pest control take over, and keeps garden toxins out of our creeks and watersheds.
LOW MAINTENANCE: With lower irrigation needs and no need for pesticides, there’s also less need for our involvement to thrive. Native gardens are happy with little to no additional maintenance.
SUPPORTS LOCAL ECOLOGY: Many habitats of our local ecology have been lost to the expansion of human development. By planting a native garden, you can help rebalance the local ecology providing safe refuge for animals, birds, insects, fungi, and even the microbiome of our soils.
ATTRACTS LOCAL WILDLIFE: Local wildlife needs native plants to thrive, they will seek out the species they intuitively know and love.
Native Garden Plants

Paper Clump Birch
Betula papyrifera

White Spruce
Picea glauca

Ponderosa Pine
Pinus ponderosa

Pin Cherry
Prunus pennsylvanica

Burr Oak
Quercus macrocarpa

Laurel Leaf Willow
Salix pentandra

Native Saskatoon
Amelanchier alnifolia

Common Caragana
Caragana arborescens

Red Osier Dogwood
Cornus sericea

Beaked Hazelnut
Corylus cornuta

Yellow Broom
Cytisus decumbens

Wolf Willow Silverberry
Elaeagnus commutata

Sea Buckthorn
Hippophae rhamnoides

Western Chokecherry
Prunus virginiana

Golden Flowering Currant
Ribes aureum

Pixwell Gooseberry
Ribes hirtellum

Josta Berry
Ribes josta

Woods Rose
Rosa woodsii

Native Raspberry
Rubus idaeus (strigosus)

Pussy Willow
Salix discolor

Golden Elder
Sambucus canadensis ‘Aurea’

Silver Buffaloberry
Shepherdia argentea

Common Lilac
Syringa vulgaris

American Highbush Cranberry
Viburnum trilobum

Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium

Alcea rosea

Snowdrop Anemone
Anemone sylvestris

Songbird Bluebird Columbine
Aquilegia Songbird ‘BlueBird’

Showy Milkweed
Asclepias specious

Purple Dome Aster
Aster novae-angliae ‘Purple Dome’

Blue Bird Clematis
Clematis macropetala ‘Blue Bird’

Tall Larkspur
Delphinium glaucum

Purple Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea

Joe Pye Weed
Eupatorium maculatum

Blanket Flower
Gaillardia aristata


Blazing Star Liatris
Liatris spicata

Bee Balm

Black-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’